Antonio Cisneros
Director of Photography
Mickey: The Story of a Mouse
MickeyThe Story of a Mouse-07-11 at 2.37.09 PMMickeyThe Story of a Mouse07-11 at 2.37.51 PMMickeyThe Story of a Mouse11 at 2.38.01 PMMickeyThe Story of a Mouse07-11 at 2.37.15 PMMickeyThe Story of a Mouse07-11 at 2.37.30 PM
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Girl in the Woods
Girlin the Woods at 2.23.59 PMGirlin the Woodsat 2.23.53 PMGirlin the Woods 2.23.40 PM
Screen Shot 2023-07-13 at 4.05.26 PMScreen Shot 2023-07-13 at 4.05.03 PMScreen Shot 2023-07-13 at 4.04.53 PMScreen Shot 2023-07-13 at 4.05.48 PM
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Private Property
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Into A Space of Love
IntoASpaceofLove_1-11 at 2.33.21 PMScreen Shot IntoASpaceofLove_1IntoASpaceofLove_1-11 at 2.32.27 PMIntoASpaceofLove_1-11 at 2.32.40 PMIntoASpaceofLove_17-11 at 2.32.48 PM
The Illegal
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Rock n Roll Hall of Fame | HBO
Screen Shot 2023-07-12 at 10.23.08 AMScreen Shot 2023-07-12 at 10.22.47 AM
Half Widow
HalfWidowScreen Shot 2023-HalfWidowScreen Shot 2023-0HalfWidowScreen Shot 2023-07-11HalfWidowScreen Shot 2023-07-11 at HalfWidowScreen Shot 2023-07-11 HalfWidow